Samsung unveiled its latest smartphone models, the Galaxy S9 and S9+, on February 25. The two new handsets don’t look a whole lot different than last year’s S8 and S8+. But the new models also boast a number of upgrades, including a new camera with Super Slow-mo video, low light capability and AR Emoji, better fingerprint scanner placement, more color options. It seems that most of the improvements appear to be incremental. However, the fact that the Galaxy S9 and S9+ are still the landmark works in the Android Market of 2018 cannot be denied.
For some Apple Music subscribers, you probably want to transfer some songs from Apple Music for enjoyment after switching to the new Galaxy S9. But there is a big problem that Apple Music songs are limited to be enjoyed on Apple Music app or iTunes. In result, we can only stream Apple Music on Samsung Galaxy S9 through installing the app - Apple Music for Android that runs slowly and lags on Android devices. However, things changed thanks to the coming out of some professional Apple Music converter software. With the help of such tools, we can easily record Apple Music songs.
Here you meet NoteBurner iTunes Audio Converter, a smart Apple Music Conversion app specially designed for Apple Music users to help you easily record Apple Music & Audiobooks & iTunes M4P music and convert them to MP3/AAC/WAV/FLAC/AIFF/ALAC. Besides, with an advanced music recording technique that differs from traditional recording, it can keep the original audio quality and ID3 tags of the music in output files.
NoteBurner iTunes Audio Converter supports both Windows and Mac OS. Here we take the Windows version as an example to guide you to convert Apple Music to MP3.
Download and install NoteBurner Apple Music Converter. After it, please launch the software and choose to download songs from the "iTunes App".
Click the button "+ Add" to add music, it will pop up a window, which will show you all of the songs you have downloaded from iTunes. You can choose any song you want to convert.
After the successful adding, please click the button "Settings" to choose the output format as you need, in the pop-up window, you can choose output path, output format. MP3, AAC, FLAC, AIFF, WAV, or ALAC are available to choose.
After completing the above steps, the final one is clicking the button "Convert". Just a few second, it will succeed. After converting, the output folder will be open automatically. Or you can click the "Converted" button to find the converted music. Now, you can play them on your new Samsung Galaxy S9 without installing Apple Music app.
One-stop music converter for Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Tidal, YouTube Music, etc.
Convert Spotify music songs, playlists, or podcasts to MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, and ALAC format.
Convert Amazon Music to MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, and ALAC with up to Ultra HD quality kept.
Convert Tidal Music songs at 10X faster speed with up to HiFi & Master Quality Kept.
Convert YouTube Music to MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, and ALAC at up to 10X speed.
Convert Deezer HiFi Music to MP3, AAC, WAV, AIFF, FLAC, and ALAC at 10X faster speed.